Facts about Honda Today

Facts about Honda Today
Following on from recent press reports, we thought you would be interested in the following facts:
- Honda has NOT closed its factory in Swindon for good
- Honda has NOT made job losses and has NOT introduced a voluntary redundancy scheme
- Honda is fully committed to manufacturing in the UK and to date, has invested £1.38 billion in the manufacturing operation at Swindon
- Honda is NOT stockpiling cars destined for UK customers
- Honda is by no means the worst affected in the industry, in fact Honda is one of the few motor manufacturers still in profit
- Honda is fiercely independent and does not accept Government handouts
- Honda has NOT requested or received any Government funds to aid operations, anywhere in the world, even during these unprecedented times
The temporary shutdown of the Swindon plant for four months, means that Honda will be building the right number of cars for customer demand and will ensure stock levels remain at an acceptable level. This shutdown will also enable Honda to re-tool the Swindon plant for the Honda Jazz; which was previously built only in Japan.