Trident Honda Facebook integration

Trident Honda Facebook integration
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Date: 13/05/2011
We have now completed the integration of Facebook into our website with Facebook Like
buttons at the top right of each page and below each news article. We very much hope that this will make it easier for you to share information with your friends and family.
If you click on a Like button then, providing you are already logged into Facebook, it will add the fact that you like that content onto your Facebook profile page. It will also give you the opportunity of adding a comment. If you have any problems adding a comment at that point, then you can do so later from within your Facebook wall.
If you are not logged in when you click on the Like Button, a pop-up window should prompt you to login or register - once done you can that you may close this pop-up window. If you wish to Like further items on the same page, then it is worth refreshing the page by clicking F5 in most browsers, or pressing the Reload or Refresh button in your browser's toolbar.
And if you would like to join the Trident Honda Facebook page please visit and Like the following page:
And don't forget we are also on Twitter at:
Please do follow us and let us know if you have any suggestions for how we could better use these media to support our customers.