Tag: tv

Tag: tv

The latest film in Honda's Channel 4 campaign stars Ben Hersey, a night fisherman from Devon who uses two Honda BF135 marine engines to power his boat 'Goldfish'.

This mini-documentary is the second in a series of films which explore and celebrate real-life people who use their Honda cars, ATVs, lawn mowers, generators, marine engines and motorbikes in unusual and extraordinary ways. Viewers may remember Philippa, the alpaca farmer, zipping around on her Honda ATV tending to her 100-strong herd in the first film which aired on 26 May 2011.

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Tag: tv

Vincent Simeone and Flavia Cacace, the stars of Strictly Come Dancing, are travelling the length and breadth of Britain in style thanks to a Honda CR-V.

Honda (UK) provided the British-built SUV to transport the pair to theatres around the country to perform in their own show - Midnight Tango.

Flavia Cacace says:

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