Tag: roadworks

Emergency gas main road closures
Trident Honda is open as usual, but with access only from the Otter roundabout.

After a week of crippling roadworks in Ottershaw, for emergency gas main repairs, thankfully the team at Cadent Gas have changed the road closures to a one-way system starting at the Otter roundabout and continuing to the McLaren roundabout.

The new one-way system is now in operation, as follows:

A320 Guildford Road Emergency Sewerage Repairs Completed

We understand that the roadworks are complete, but the newly laid tarmac needs to cure overnight. We have been informed by Surrey County Council that the road will be definitely re-opened in time for rush hour tomorrow morning.

Roadworks diversion map

We have just been notified that the A320 Guildford Road in Ottershaw will be closed tomorrow, for emergency sewerage works. We have been assured that access to Trident Honda and the Shell filling stations will be maintained throughout via the Ottershaw roundabout.

Verbally we have been told that this will be in place until next week, although Surrey County Council are currently stating until 20th November.

Tag: roadworks

Despite the A320 Guildford Road being closed between Woking and Ottershaw, it is actually only marginally more difficult to get to Trident Honda. The roads around Trident Honda are surprisingly quiet now that the schools have broken up and the diversions are working well.

And without the usual road noise, having a wander around our used car display is a much more pleasant experience than normal!

Tag: roadworks

Affinity Water has experienced a catastrophic failure of an existing 21" trunk main supply pipe on the A320 Guildford Road between Woking and Ottershaw.

This failure has adversely affected the road structure for a significant area to the point of being unsafe to traffic.

Tag: roadworks

We understand that the water main replacement by Affinity Water will be completed by the end of today 11 August, but that the road will remain closed for a further 7-10 days for road re-surfacing by the council.

Once again access to Trident Honda will be maintained, but from Tuesday 12 August access to Trident Honda will be maintained from the Ottershaw roundabout and not from the McLaren roundabout.

Tag: roadworks

Roadworks have commenced today, 4 August 2014, on the A320 Guildford Road in Ottershaw.

During the closure, access will be maintained to Trident Honda from the McLaren roundabout.

  • Please visit our Roadworks page for more information
Tag: roadworks

There are planned roadworks on the A320 Guildford Road in Ottershaw, commencing 5 April 2014 for 14 days, 24 hours a day, including weekends. No works will take place on the Easter Bank Holidays, but there will be work on Saturday 19 April.

For the first nine days the road will be closed between the McLaren roundabout and the Otter roundabout, but access will be maintained to Trident Honda from the Ottershaw roundabout. Pedestrian access will be largely unaffected.

Tag: roadworks

We understand that the proposed roadworks on Guildford Road, 15 - 23 February, have now been cancelled.

Tag: roadworks

The A320 Guildford Road in Ottershaw will be closed during half-term week, 15 - 23 February, with the possibility of traffic lights the week after. The closure is for the purpose of major drainage works, from outside Trident Honda to the junction with Cross Lane (near the Church at the top of the hill).

During the closure, access will be maintained to Trident Honda from the Ottershaw roundabout.

For more information and alternative routes, please visit our Roadworks page:

Tag: roadworks

The first transporter to arrive since the roadworks and it is a stunning difference - two-way traffic was maintained throughout with no interruption whatsoever! This is going to be an enormous benefit to the users of the A320 Guildford Road, particularly at peak times.

Tag: roadworks

After 12 frustrating years for both ourselves and local community, the council have recognised the problem that was caused by erecting the bollards along the boundary with our site and are now working to correct the problem.

Whilst the council had always accepted our right to have vehicle deliveries, they had wrongly calculated that there would be sufficient space for both a vehicle transporter and the normal traffic. Although that is indeed the case for cars and motorcycles, there is insufficient space for vans and lorries, which then causes the delays that we all know so well.

Tag: roadworks

Haines Bridge is going to be temporarily closed for a period over August / September whilst maintenance work is carried out on the water pumping station. This will affect the access to our Weybridge dealership.

There will be traffic diversion directional signs up during this period however, we would like to offer an alternative route which we believe is more direct and quicker for our customers.