Tag: trident

Tag: trident

Business was brought to a standstill last night, when a film crew turned up to film Prince William purchasing flowers for Kate. Sadly it was not the real Prince William, although regular customers will appreciate that our Flowers by Rosie Orr are certainly good enough for royalty!

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Tag: trident

We are pleased to release our first newsletter for 2012. Those of you who frequent our news page will recognise the articles, but for those who do not, we hope that this newsletter will be an interesting and informative read. 2012 looks like being an exciting year for Trident Honda and Honda!

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Tag: trident

There is a new feature at Trident Honda relating to our used cars. When you walk around the current used car stock on our forecourt, you will see QR codes placed in the side windows of the vehicles.

If you're not yet familiar with QR codes, they're similar to the barcodes used by retailers but hold a larger amount of data. Although relatively new to the UK marketplace, they've been actively used for over a decade in Japan where they were invented.

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Tag: trident

The latest Trident Honda newsletter is now available online! Click on the image above for the link!

Find out what Team Trident Honda have been up to, what's in the pipeline and the current offers on selected new cars.

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Tag: trident

Honda (UK) is very proud of their reputation for excellent customer service, which they have built up over many years. Honda's dedication to customer service has seen them achieve 2nd position in the 2010 JD Power Vehicle Ownership Satisfaction Survey, and they continue to strive to improve.

Since 2005 Honda has invested in a team of dedicated staff to call a sample of customers who visit Honda dealerships either to buy cars or have their current cars serviced and ask them about the level of service received.

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Tag: trident

Independent research published today by Which? shows that in just two years of operation, automotive consumer champion Motor Codes is already making significant progress in raising service and repair standards in UK garages.

The research highlights that Motor Codes garages performed significantly better than non-Code subscribed service centres, spotting almost 20% more faults in tests set out by the consumer watchdog.

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Tag: trident

Our managing director Richard Roberts today announced the appointment of James Roberts to the board of directors:

I am very pleased to announce that James Roberts, our Group Used Car Buyer, has been promoted to the role of Director - Used Car Operations with immediate effect. This is in recognition of the role played by James in a vital part of our business.

Please visit our Management Team page for more details.

Tag: trident

Trident Honda has replaced its Microsoft Windows desktops with a Debian GNU/Linux based terminal server. You may not have heard of Linux, but it is everywhere: Linux powers many games consoles, many of the new generation of netbooks, some televisions, mobile phones (for example many of those made by Motorola and Nokia), the vast majority of supercomputers, and most of the Internet including Google. Linux is not, however, widely used on the desktop because, until recently at least, it required significant computer expertise.

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Tag: trident

From today, Ginsters is now supplying our Ottershaw Forecourt with Ginsters sandwiches and chilled food. This morning the Ginsters staff worked hard to ensure that the chiller looked the best it could, and already a number of customers have responded favourably. Trident Honda has long been supplied by Ginsters, but today saw the Ginsters appointed as our sandwich supplier.

Our Forecourt Manager, Mary Spicer, says:

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Tag: trident

Following customer feedback on our customer car parking, we held a meeting to review ways of improving our parking. One result of this meeting was the introduction of a valet parking attendant at peak times. This was launched on Thursday 3 May and is proving very popular with our customers, as well as improving the general parking.

Weybridge has a more serious problem, given the town centre location and the limited space available, and we are therefore recruiting a full-time parking attendant. We hope to have this new member of staff available in the coming weeks and feel sure that this will greatly improve the customer experience on arrival.

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